How To Paint Your Vinyl Siding
It’s the perfect time of year to paint your vinyl siding! We are finally out of the long cold winter and the weather is looking promising. It’s time to think Spring Cleaning. If you’re anything like me, you’re itching to start an outdoor home project. The outside of your home is a reflection of who lives inside. So why not do something to show just how much you love your home?
You may want to paint your vinyl siding for a number of reasons. Maybe your existing siding has become faded and it is time for a refresh. Or the colour is a reflection of a previous owner and you want to update with your own personal touch. It’s possible your siding has suffered some minor damage over the winter. Once you have the necessary repairs completed, you may need to paint everything back into uniformity. Whatever the reason, it’s a good decision to update your vinyl siding with a fresh coat of paint. Here are a few simple steps to get you started.
Choosing Paint For Your Vinyl Siding
When choosing a paint, there are a few key points to keep in mind. First, choose a paint that works with the characteristics of vinyl. Vinyl siding has the capability to expand and contract due to weather conditions. You will need a paint that allows for this. Be sure to choose a paint that contains a blend of urethane and acrylic resins. Better yet, select a paint that is specifically labelled for use on vinyl siding.
The next point to consider is colour. It’s best to pay attention to the existing colour of the vinyl siding. Choosing a colour that is too dark will make heat get absorbed and cause the siding to warp. It’s best to choose the same colour or lighter to avoid causing damage.
You may choose to use a primer if the existing paint is worn out in sections or completely. A primer will give a smooth, even surface for the new paint to adhere to.
Prepping Your Vinyl Siding For Painting
Now it is time to clean your vinyl siding. Start off by removing large debris and cobwebs with a dry brush or soft cloth. Next, use water and a good household cleaner to thoroughly remove the dirt. A solution of water and vinegar is also effective in removing dirt. A solution of water and household bleach is effective in removing mold and mildew. It’s best to use a soft brush or cloth in this step as this method will be the most gentle. You do not want to accidently cause damage to the siding.
If using a pressure washer, you want to make sure the pressure is not set too high to cause damage. Point the pressure washer at eye-level to avoid unintentionally spraying water and debris underneath the siding. Doing so will only lead to unexpected costs and delays.
Painting Your Vinyl Siding
Now you’re ready to paint your vinyl siding. The best weather for painting is mild temperatures with overcast skies. It’s not a good idea to paint in humid or windy conditions as this will prevent the paint from setting properly.
Apply a thin layer of primer using a paint brush or roller. When priming and painting your siding, always apply thin layers. Allow each coat to dry between applications. Work around the house in sections. Start from the top of each section and work your way down. This will allow you to smooth out drips as you go along. One coat of primer and two coats of paint should be enough. If you decide on a third coat of paint, be happy with all the extra exercise you’re getting. Outdoor home projects not only add value to your home, but can assist with your health and wellness goals as well!
Painting your vinyl siding is not a hard task, but it surely is labour intensive. There are a few long weekends coming up – why not add this to your to-do list? Of course, this type of DIY project is not for everyone. If you are ready to have your vinyl siding painted but require assistance from the professionals, go ahead and give Home Painters Toronto a call.
So there you have it. Freshly painted vinyl siding in just a few easy steps. Once you have this project completed, you will have all the neighbours gawking over your handy work and ready to start an outdoor home project of their own. Now, what are you waiting for? It’s time to paint your vinyl siding!